
I havent felt like blogging much lately. Its hard to explain, but I know a few other ladies who went through this phase once they fell pregnant again after losses and/or treatments. Still, I am always thinking of you ladies…no matter where you are in this process. 

I have been spending most of my time praying this pregnancy is going to stick. To help myself believe this, I have been keeping busy and doing things I never thought Id do should we be pregnant again. For instance, I have been buying baby clothes and things for the nursery. I have been wearing maternity clothes and taking weekly photos. We have been discussing names for our baby.  All of these things are helping me believe.  

We cleaned out our office last week. Regardless of expecting, it needed it badly. 

The room is now empty, except for the baby stuff we have. A lot of it has been purchased over the years, or sent by friends, family or followers. Sometimes I just go in the room early in the morning and sit and stare at it all. Its hard for me to believe it. 

We decided to go with a whale theme for the nursery. We plan to paint the walls grey, with white crown molding and baseboards, and either a navy or grey carpet.  We have looked at a few cribs, and are not sure if we want white or grey yet, thankfully we have plenty of time to decide. 

I am 13 weeks tomorrow and the first trimester has seemed like eternity. I dont have symptoms anymore, so I thank God for my doppler. I listen to miracle baby boy every morning.  His heartrate is usually anywhere from 125-150.  This is also the first week I have not had a doctor appointment since I became pregnant. Next week we see our MFM or high risk OB for the first time. They will do a consult and an ultra. I cant wait to see how much he has grown. 

Speaking of growing, some days I feel bigger than others. This initially freaked me out, but after talking to some others I realized its normal at this point in the pregnancy (bloat v. bump), especially being our first pregnancy to get this far.   My wonderful friend from up north sent me all of her maternity clothes this week. I cant even say how blessed I feel about this! I finally have things to wear that fit and it saved us a ton of money. 

In addition to all of these things I have been doing to believe, my mom and I also found a venue to book my baby shower at. We have set the date for October 9th. Ill be about 29 weeks then. Its a very beautiful location.

So that is about all that is happening here…trying to stay positive and enjoy my summer off. Before I know it, Ill be heading back to school in the fall. 

21 thoughts on “Believing 

  1. So excited for you! We did a whale theme too. So many cute things out there!

    Good luck with your MFM, we loved our office and credit them for getting our little guy to term. I ended up with weekly MFM appointments on top of our regular OB appointments and while they could be stressful the weekly ultrasounds and bio physical profiles put both my husband and I’s mind at easy after a number of losses.

    Liked by 1 person

      • We have the same RE and I love her too : ) While our MFM wasn’t as warm as Dr. M was and his office was definitely VERY different than hers is, he and his staff (we mostly met with a Nurse Practitioner) were amazing and I loved that they treated us like people who were educated about the process and were very willing to accommodate some of the anxiety and triggers I had from my losses.

        I need to do a full nursery post but there a few pics in the link below. We did the Land of Nod whale bedding featured in the post but our main sheets/changing table covers are actually the pottery barn Hampton set. We used the teal in it as an accent color too. I got tons of cute stuff from TJMaxx/Home Goods too : )

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  2. Just wanted you to know… that October 9th is one of the days my mom and I were thinking of for my shower too!! But I will be 33 and felt like it was too late.. but it makes me smile that we could be showering our baby boys on the same day! Also I feel like a slacker when I read this because I haven’t even started cleaning out our spare room or organizing anything.

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  3. What a great theme for your nursery! I’m glad you’re keeping busy. You are in my thoughts all the time and I’m glad to hear things are going well. And super cute bump!! Hugs.

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  4. I am glad you are feeling better and planning for your baby boy. Good luck with the new doctor. Enjoy every minute. I enjoyed when my girls started to move. I’m so happy for you both.

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  5. Your looking good momma bear! You are truly blessed to have a wonderful mother, husband and friends during your journey to motherhood. Looks like you have a really good start on your little mans wardrobe and the plans for his nursery sound adorable. Hoping you are feeling well and enjoying every minute of this pregnancy, I know I am enjoying you sharing your journey. I took your advice on the fetal doppler after discussing it with my husband and I too purchased the sonoline b from, should arrive in a day or so!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much! I am feeling pretty good the past week or two-a renewed sense of energy! Hope u are feeling well too. Im so glad you got the doppler, for me, its a lifesaver. It did take me awhile my first time, but since then its super quick! Start out pretty low, that was my biggest mistake 😘


      • So glad you are feeling better and have some energy! I still get nauseous throughout the day and am still pretty tired but it is all worth it! Still waiting for the doppler to arrive but will be sure to take your advice and start low. Wishing your husband a happy fathers day Xx

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  6. I totally understand all of this. I just wrote about it this week (after a hiatus)!

    It’s a weird walking-on-eggshells experience. I completely get it. But you are doing everything right – shop, plan, prepare. I’m claiming this reality for us both. Prayers!

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