9 Months & a Tour of the Nursery! 

Officially full term this week at 37 weeks. Our hopital bags are packed (we did 3 of them, one for each of us) and baby boy’s carseat has been installed & inspected. Our birth plan (wasnt sure if we would do one) is also complete. I had a few friends ask what a “birth plan” is before, so here’s a snap shot of ours-

Our son’s room is ready, as is most of the rest of the house. Since I am home everyday, the nesting has been well underway for some time now. Here is his room…all finished! 

Went to the MFM this week for another growth scan. I was a little concerned going into it bc I have noticed that over the course of the past month or so I havent gained any weight. I have still been eating well, but my appetite has dwindled off a bit perhaps due to my brian believing there is so little room left in there for food or the simple fact that the more I eat, the less I can breath! 

Anywhoo, my weight loss of 1 pound has not had any effect on Miracles growth. He is still around the 50th percentile, measuring about 6 lbs. The doctor puts him at about 7 1/2 lbs. if we go another 2 1/2 wks. or so. Perfect, healthy weight! 

Everything else checked out well-he is head down, good Amnio levels, heartrate, movement, etc. This was his 3rd biophysical profile that he had and earned 100% on. It sounds as if I am already bragging about my unborn son, but I cant help it. Getting weekly BPP’s (combined with NSTs) with high scores shows the chance of a stillbirth is very, very low. 

We will not be going back to the MFM anymore, I will just see my OB everyweek from here out. In fact, I see her tomorrow for my first cervix check! I am secretly (not anymore lol) hoping I am dilated some. I am feeling SO ready to meet this guy even though he has some time left. Several of my IG friends have been having their babies now and it makes it much more real, especially when someone delivers before me who was due after me and baby is OK. 

We arent doing much Christmas shopping this year as we usually would, but I have made a point to get a few things bought now so we wont worry once baby is here. I also made hubby something special off Pinterest that serves as a new daddy gift/Christmas gift.  Id tell you more but I know he reads this, so it will have to wait 😉

We decided to do just one real Christmas tree this year, instead of the 3 or 4 artificial ones I have in the past. I must say I LOVE having the real tree for a change! It might be our new thing. Overall, we are keeping Christmas quite minimal; neither of us wants to worry about taking decorations down with a newborn. 

Until next time, sending love! 

23 thoughts on “9 Months & a Tour of the Nursery! 

  1. The nursery came out great! Thanks for sharing! And the minimal Christmas is definitely warranted – we are just putting up our one fake tree and stockings and that is it! Too many other things going on to worry about that.
    And, we have the same exact photo frame with a picture from our wedding in our living room. Great minds think alike 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nursery looks perfect! Where did you get the pouf/footrest? We’ve been looking for a solid navy one forever and I’ve had a hard time finding one I liked : )

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I can’t even tell you how much I love your birth plan and how proud you should be off all these great decisions!

    Sooooooooooo happy for you that you and Shane’s dreams are about to come true! Savor every single second or it all !!!

    I still cry thinking about my labor and the first time I saw sawyer and how truly magical it all was.

    Really wish we were talking 😦 I’m super happpyyyy for you and baby boy is going to be perfect I just know it !

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The nursery is beautiful! Way more put together than ours…I just finally got everything put away from our baby shower, lol. I’m so happy that Isaac is doing well and you are feeling well also. I cannot wait to meet your little guy!

    Liked by 1 person

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