And the Beta’s begin for FET #1

We took a HPT (Home Pregnancy Test) 7 days post transfer this cycle, which was super early, but remember there is no “trigger shot” involved in a frozen cycle as a there is with a fresh.  In other words, there can’t possibly be any remnants of HCG left over in your system to give a false positive.

The test came back with a BFP (BIG FAT POSITIVE) right away, and this time it was far from faint! We tested everyday until our 1st beta to make sure that line only got darker. We knew firsthand that the amount of HCG has to be increasing quite rapidly early on in order for the pregnancy to be progressing, so a darker line each time was comforting to us.  Every time I peed on the test, I prayed not to see a fainter line.  We never did.


My first beta at 4 weeks and 2 days came back at 302 with a progesterone level of 85. Whoa! We were ecstatic! There were snickers on the other end from the doctor, hinting towards twins with a beta like that just 10 days post transfer.  We held our breath and said our prayers for beta #2.  We knew it had to at least double.  Remember, during our last cycle that 2nd beta was the phone call that changed everything for us.

If you have had the pleasure of having serial beta’s, you know they are done first thing in the morning, and the results don’t come back until later that afternoon. You are a ball of nerves all day, just pacing and sitting by the phone waiting. You make sure you take your phone everywhere with you, even though part of you does not want to answer it when you see the doctor calling.  You are over the moon excited, while at the same time so incredibly scared, because you know that your joy can be stolen away within seconds (especially if it already has been before).

Our second beta came back at 658.  Perfection! We made it through the 2nd beta; another fear diminished.  Now, we just had to make it through the 3rd beta two days later.  As you wait for the results, you feel exactly the same way for the 3rd beta as you did the 2nd one.  Our deal was if we made it through the betas, and got to schedule our 1st ultrasound to see the heartbeat(s), we would tell my mom, step dad, & brother over the weekend.  They had no idea we even did this cycle!  I couldn’t fathom seeing my mom hurt again like she was when we lost the first pregnancy.

Our third beta came back at 2,615 when I was exactly 5 weeks along.  It way more than doubled, actually it tripled!  The doctor told me to make sure I was still taking my folic acid everyday (another twins hint). And of course I was.  I followed everything by the book every cycle we had.  She set up our 1st ultrasound to see the heartbeat(s) for 2 weeks away.  We couldn’t wait!!

We celebrated by going out to dinner that night. We really thought we were out of the woods. We knew the next 2 weeks would go by so slowly; it’s really like another 2WW.  You aren’t going in for ultrasounds or blood work anymore, you are on your own, just the two of you, waiting.

As promised, we went to my parents two days after the 3rd beta to announce our wonderful news.  We made a sign and put it around Rocket’s neck that read, “Big Brother, May 2015.”  Rocket ran in their house and we followed.  Of course my mom cried, and everyone was shocked. They couldn’t believe we were able to keep it a secret! Lots of hugs and laughter, another moment that will never be forgotten.

The following weekend was a long weekend from school, and I couldn’t be happier for a break! It was now September 2014.  I was already starting to feel super tired and pretty hungry. We got up early that Sunday and went to church.  On our way home, we stopped & got subs to eat later that afternoon during the football games. Then I sat down on the couch, not feeling so well all of a sudden.  My lower back was hurting and I felt crampy.

So I went to bathroom, with the door open like I always do.  I couldn’t move because of what I saw. My husband walked by and stopped when he saw me.  We were both frozen.  I was bleeding, a lot.

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