3 Months

Miracle is offically 3 months old now, which means mommy & daddy survived what is said to be one of the toughest times by most. There have definitely been some challenges, but there has also been so much laughter (no coincidence our boys name means full of laughter). He is such a blessing. 

I think the most difficult things we have faced are feeding and sleeping (and working from home, but I’ll save this 1 for another post).  Pretty sure most new parents would say the same things if they had to pinpoint something. We finally have feeding under control, but it took us a full 12 weeks. Sleeping, on the other hand, not so much! 

As I mentioned in my prior posts, baby has reflux pretty bad with my breastmilk. I tried LOTS of different things (eliminating foods, adding rice cereal, diff bottles, nipples, etc) in hopes of him being able to drink my milk. One late night as I was feeding him, and searching Dr. Google, I came across a product called Gelmix. Its a USDA approved all organic thickening agent. I ordered it and its been a God send for us.  He now drinks all my milk no problem, and we were able to stop the special formula he was on. 

TONS of times I almost threw in the towel with my milk, from low supply to tongue and lip ties, to reflux and thrush. BF doesnt work for everyone, and in no way should anyone feel guilty if they did throw in the towel, but Im just saying Im glad I didnt. And if you are out there and struggling with baby feedings, know you arent alone. 

Sleep. Oh my. Why do I fall for all these fancy sleep aids? We have SO many darn sleep oriented items its not even funny. Maybe soon I will accept the realization that the way he sleeps is just part of his normal development. For a few giggles, I will tell you some of the things I have tried (marketers must know sleep deprived people will buy almost anything).  

  • Swaddles-velcro, zip, tie, swaddle up, down, every which way. Every brand. Blankets included. 
  • Magic sleep suit-worked for a few weeks until his Moro Reflex overpowered it. Side note-reflex is still going strong. 
  • Zip-a-Dee-Zip gown (shown on Shark Tank) or something like that? Was an immediate return. 
  • Dock-a-Tot-first 2 nights thought it was a win, 3rd night a total fail. Still trying. 
  • We have also slept (or tried to sleep in) snuggle nests, pack and plays, crib, swing, boppy, you name it. 
  • Sound machines (bought two now), lotions (which are not secret potions lol), goodnight prayers…need I go on?? 

I know, I know…accept the fact we arent sleeping and move on. It could be much worse. 

Some miletones to note at 13 weeks old-

  • Rolling over! This happened just before 12 weeks. Tummy to back only.
  • Head control 
  • Chuckling out loud (this is the best) 
  • Recognizing people (mostly nanna) on Facetime…no joke-he stares at the phone & laughs like crazy
  • Sucking on his fist & drooling
  • Holding toys and blankets on his own, grabbing them as well

Everyday I thank God for our miracle. As I was sterilizing all his bottles and he watched me from across the room just smiling, I thought about how much less anxiety I have now. When going through those IVF cycles and when pregnant, it was through the roof. Yes, I still worry about him, but it is different because he is HERE. Thinking of all you out there who are still chasing your dream(s).  

16 thoughts on “3 Months

  1. You’ve been strong in sticking with the breastfeeding after all that! It isn’t easy and it is definitely not quite as natural as we would be led to believe!!

    If you still have sleep problems at 4 months then maybe you could try a sleep consultant…? I personally think there is no shame in getting expert help when babe won’t sleep well. I believe they are not overly expensive to hire 😊

    Loving all the milestones Isaac is hitting! He’s doing much more than than Aviana right now ☺️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So so so so so so proud of you .. literally need to say it again sooooooooooo proud of you for the breastfeeding win!!! I agree fed us best but the health benefits of breast feeding and ofcourse saving money are unbelievable!! You should be super proud !!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I did the same with all the sleep aids! Desperate for us both to get some nap time lol He seems to be doing so well with development too! Miracle baby and a smart cookie too xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think one of my girls is going through the dreaded sleep regression… It’s slerp on my chest or no sleep at all. I’ve heard of the dock a tot but is it safe? She is starting to consider rolling and it looks like it has padded sides? Wondering if it is worth the buy.

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  5. My baby is almost 10 months now and i can tell you that it will get better, BUT it’s a 2 steps forward 1.5 steps back process 😦 I’m still dealing with sleep regression and every time it feels like starting from scratch again 😩😩

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